
Test automation is a time-saving approach, for testing software products that require long-term maintenance. Selenium and TestComplete are considered tools for automation testing as they offer a platform that allows you to construct continuous testing frameworks effortlessly. With their execution engine and distributed testing capabilities, you can ensure testing throughout the entire process.

How about we jump further and comprehend these famous mechanized testing toolsets and their disparities?


TestComplete, developed by SmartBear Software is a tool used for Automated UI Testing. It allows users to create automated tests, for desktop, web, and mobile applications. Additionally, TestComplete includes built-in support, for Behavioral Driven Development (BDD).

This tool is designed to be incredibly user-friendly, with Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is quick and easy to create, maintain, and conduct tests that will enhance test coverage and ensure the delivery of quality battle-tested software.

It boasts an engine that combines artificial intelligence, with hybrid object recognition. This unique item recognition system seamlessly integrates property-based and AI-powered recognition allowing for efficient and accurate identification of dynamic UI elements.

It is also known as a Content or Scriptless tool. The reason, for this, is that you can already prearrange in seven languages (JavaScript, Python, VBScript, Jscript, DelphiScript, C#, and C+). To prearrange you can make use of its record. Play feature.

Brief History:-

TestComplete was created in 1999 via AutomatedQA which is as of now situated in Somerville, Massachusetts. TestComplete’s most recent stable release, 14.0, was released in January 2019. SmartBear Programming is one of the auxiliary organizations of AutomatedQA Corp.

Career Aspects:-

It is a generously compensated instrument, which makes it hard for some associations to utilize it. They give a 30-day free preliminary. This tool is used by some good companies that focus on products. There are fewer employment opportunities on this instrument right now. When you learn a paid tool on your own, it is always hard. It is a powerful tool, but not many people use it. The price for TestComplete resources is higher. It will have less professional development as this apparatus has everything built into it and can radically decrease the number of assets expected to compose mechanized tests.

Cons of TestComplete:-

  • Licenses are expensive.
  • It just backs Windows.
  • There isn’t much assistance available in open communities.
  • Difficult to begin with true documentation.
  • The instrument has soundness issues.
  • Less expensive than QTP however not quite as strong and steady as QTP.


Selenium is a set-up of devices to computerize internet browsers which implies it tends to be utilized to mechanize a main electronic application. The more unequivocally just front finish of a web application across various programs and stages. It is compatible with numerous testing frameworks and programming languages.

Selenium consists of four tools:-

History of Selenium:-

Jason Huggins created Selenium in 2004 at ThoughtWorks in Chicago. It was later made open source, and as a result, it has grown in popularity and power as a web application automation tool.

Career Aspects:-

Selenium is an open-source apparatus that expands its fame in associations that are for the most part administration-based. Its adaptability of reconciliation with significant programming language makes it more versatile.

There are more job openings and more growth opportunities in Selenium in the future. You can undoubtedly learn and rehearse as such countless free internet-based instructional exercises and help networks are accessible.

Let’s Compare TestComplete and Selenium:

Since we have seen a basic introduction to TestComplete and Selenium, you probably have questions about which one is best and how to choose one that meets your needs. Don’t worry; we’ll compare the two tools here to see which one can help you.

Comparison Basis



Software Type

It is a Windows-based instrument. Since TestComplete is primarily a Windows application, it cannot be used on Linux or Unix systems.

It is a bunch of APIs that can be utilized on something like three significant working frameworks:- Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.


It’s a very expensive tool. You can package choices or alter your request.

Open Source/Free device. You can download and utilize it free of charge.

Developed By

AutomatedQA’s subsidiary SmartBear Software

ThoughtWorks initially developed it, but it was later made open source.

Application Type

It upholds work area, web, and versatile application

Selenium can be utilized exclusively for Electronic applications. In any case, a WebDriver-based device called Appium can be utilized for versatile applications.

Application Layer

TestComplete can be utilized to robotize the front end and Programming interface of the application.

Selenium can only be used to test a Web Application’s front end or interface layer.

Supported Languages

It upholds seven unique dialects including JavaScript, Python, VBScript, Jscript, DelphiScript, C#, and C+

Java, C#, Ruby, Python, Perl   Javascript, R, etc.

Supported Browsers

Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge

IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Headless browsers

Supported Operating Systems

Just Microsoft Windows

It works with Linux, Apple OS X, and Microsoft Windows.

Supported IDE

Upholds just inbuilt TestComplete IDE

Eclipse, IntelliJ, and any other IDE which supports Java

Supported Technology

Any server-side technology, framework, or programming language, including HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, Web Components (Shadow DOM and Custom Elements), AngularJS, ASP, ASP.NET (including Web Pages, Web Forms, and MVC), Ajax, Backbone.js, CGI, JavaServer Pages (JSP), PHP, and Ruby on Rails, can be used to test web applications.

Selenium battles while computerizing SAP, Salesforce, and centralized server applications.

Supported Testing Types

Regression testing, unit testing, keyword testing, functional (or GUI) testing, distributed testing, web testing, and mobile application testing.

Practical and load testing of web administrations, Inclusion Testing, Information-Driven Testing, Manual Testing

Utilitarian (or GUI) Testing, Relapse testing, Unit testing, Watchword testing, Web Testing, Information-Driven Testing

Object Recognition Engine

It now includes Artificial Intelligence and possesses an unparalleled Object Recognition Engine.

Selenium does not offer such a feature.

Record and Play Feature

TestComplete’s script-free record-and-replay function makes it simple to create automated GUI tests.

Selenium IDE gives Record and Play GUI tests just for Electronic applications on Chrome and Firefox programs as it were.

Built-In Framework

TestComplete has a few implicit example projects for work area, web, and portable test mechanization, to help you make ready speedier than any time in recent memory.

Selenium has no implicit system prepared to utilize.


Test Report

With TestComplete, you can get continuous data on the advancement and status of your work area and versatile, or web-useful GUI tests from a solitary point of interaction. You can easily share details with other team members by sharing images, videos, or detailed logs that you captured during test execution. You can even export your logs in multiple formats, such as JUnit, HTML, or MHT.

Selenium should be incorporated revealing apparatuses to produce test reports.


TestComplete, which can be integrated with numerous third-party tools, is simple to integrate with Selenium.

Selenium should be coordinated with numerous different instruments to make a strong system.

Technical Skills

TestComplete works best with resources that are both technical and non-technical.

You should be great in the programming language to begin working with Selenium.

Test Development and Execution Time

It saves a great deal of test execution time as it has a strong record and playback highlight, man-made intelligence-based object acknowledgment, scriptless test creation, and so on.

You want to invest a great deal of energy in making test scripts. False test cases are more likely to be made. If you want to use Selenium to write better tests, you need to be good at programming.

Test Script Maintenance

Upkeep is simpler contrasted with Selenium.

Upkeep becomes testing by developing test scripts.


Since it is a paid device, SmartBear offers great and legitimate help.

Since it is an open-source instrument, no expert help is given. However, Selenium has a larger volunteer community.

Career Growth

Fewer jobs and a smaller scope

More positions, more development


TestComplete is a tool without scripts, so you don’t have to know any programming to use it. It aids in the development of robust scripts and is very simple to use. It is substantially more remarkable and includes rich contrasted with Selenium. However, since TestComplete is more expensive, businesses prefer open-source software like Selenium. Because you need to be good at programming, Selenium offers more opportunities for career advancement and education. TestComplete has fewer employment opportunities as like Selenium, you don’t require more assets in a venture.

So TestComplete is ideal for a normal talented group and limits timetable ventures for quicker production of test scripts. The project spending plan can be changed by decreasing the quantity of assets required.

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