software testing

What is Smoke Testing?

Smoke testing is a process to check whether the newly released build is stable or not. It helps a QA or testing team to get confirmation QA or testing team can proceed with further testing or not. It also gives

software testing

Importance of Test Management Tools

Introduction of Test Management Tools Test Management can, at times, be one of the most efficient tools of all time, it’s essential that you can audit test coverage, execution, and outcomes. This is where the test management tools approach plays.

software testing

Levels of Testing in Software Testing

Introduction: Levels of Testing The purpose of Levels of testing is to make software testing structured/efficient and easily find all possible test cases/test scenarios at a particular level. In the SDLC model, there are personalized phases such as requirement meeting,

software testing

Banking Application Testing: How to Test Banking Domain Application?

How to Test a Banking Application? As a rule, software testing has an integrated set of principles and standards that remain valid for all ventures. In any case, there are a couple of sections or areas that require additional dedication

software testing

E-commerce Website Testing Guide – Benefits and Prevention

E-commerce Website Testing Guide For ‘e-commerce testing’ firstly we know what is ‘e-commerce’? Basic ‘e-commerce’ is a business process implemented on the Internet. With the help of ‘e-commerce’ buying and selling the product easily with the availability of different types

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