qa cost

QA Cost Comparison: Manual vs. Automated Testing – Maximizing Efficiency

Introduction Quality Assurance (QA) plays a crucial role in software development, ensuring that applications meet their intended standards of functionality, performance, and reliability. However, the choice between manual and automated testing methods can significantly impact the cost and efficiency of


What is Jenkins? Use of Jenkins in Automation Testing.

What is Jenkins? Jenkins is an automation tool used for continuous Integration and deployment. It is an open-source Automation Tool written in Java with plugins. Jenkins is used to build and test the software application, so developers can easily change

Performance Testing

7 Best Practices for Continuous Performance Testing.

What is Performance Testing? Performance Testing is a part of non-functional testing. This testing is used to check server responses for our specific project or software. While working with Performance Testing a QA person needs to concentrate on the load,

end to end testing

What is End-to-End Testing? 

Whenever an application flow is tested from start to finish, it is known as end to end testing. It ensures that the application works the same as the user wants and that there is no bug present. End-to-end testing ensures

Pair Testing

All About Pair Testing.

Pair testing is one of the software testing techniques that can be conducted between two or more team members. It is also called buddy testing or partner testing. In Pair testing, two testers work as a team to test the

How to use testRigor for test automation

How to use testRigor for Test Automation?

TestRigor is an advanced testing tool that accelerates the testing process and identifies potential issues in web applications. It comes with a user-friendly interface and a range of tools to assist testers in creating and executing tests effectively. The AI-powered

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