software testing

Css Selector in Selenium

Basically, the CSS Selector joins a component selector and selector esteem that can distinguish specific components on a site page. Like XPath, a CSS selector can be utilized to find web components without ID, class, or Name. Type of CSS

software testing

Selenium 3 Vs Selenium 4

In this article, We will see the difference between Selenium 3 vs Selenium 4, the Architecture of Selenium 3 and Selenium 4, and the Advantages of Selenium 4. Selenium is widely used nowadays in the industry and extensively used framework

software testing

Selenium 4 Features

Introduction: Selenium 4 features Selenium is one of the widely used automation testing tools in the market which is used to test web applications. Selenium is the first to come into the market in 2004 as a selenium core. After

software testing

Selenium 4 Relative Locators

Relative Locators in the past were called Friendly Locators. The motivation behind Relative Locators is to track down a particular component or element with respect to the situation of another component. There’s a sum of 5 strategies with a choice

software testing

Selenium Vs Protractor : What’s the Difference?

  Before We start Selenium Vs Protractor, we should know about Selenium and protractor. What is Selenium? Selenium is utilized for automation testing of web applications and is an open-source testing apparatus. Selenium is implied distinctly for electronic applications and

software testing

Benefits of Selenium Webdriver for Automation Testing

Jason Huggins developed Selenium in 2004 as an internal tool at ThoughtWorks, Selenium webdriver is widely used in automation industries now a day for automation testing. When we talk about automation testing, selenium is the first choice of an automation

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