What Is Selenium Testing

What Is Selenium Testing?

Selenium is an automated open-source testing software used to test web-based applications across various browsers. It offers a set of functions that testers and developers can use to create automatic tests to check the web applications’ functionality without human interference.

software testing

Benefits of Selenium Webdriver for Automation Testing

Jason Huggins developed Selenium in 2004 as an internal tool at ThoughtWorks, Selenium webdriver is widely used in automation industries now a day for automation testing. When we talk about automation testing, selenium is the first choice of an automation

software testing

11 Best Selenium Alternatives for Testers

11 Best Selenium Alternatives You Should Know List of Selenium Alternatives: Robot Framework Cypress Katalon Studio Screenster CasperJS Watir Cucumber Ghost Inspector Lemonce Editor TestCraft Protractor Below describes the detailed list of selenium alternatives: Robot Framework Robot Framework is an

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