types of bugs

Types of Bugs in Software Testing

What is a software bug?   In software, a bug is an error in the program code that often originates from human error. The most common types of bugs include arithmetic, interface, logic, syntax, and teamwork bugs. A bug means a

Principles of Software Testing

7 Principles of Software Testing

 Introduction:   Software testing is the most common way of executing a program determined to track down the blunder.Our software needs to be error-free in order to perform well.The software will be free of all errors if the testing is

Guide To Generate Extent Reports In Selenium WebDriver

In this article, We will learn How to generate Extent Reports in Selenium WebDriver. What are Extent Reports? Extent Reports is an open-source reporting library useful for test robotization. It can be fluently integrated with major testing fabrics like JUnit,

software testing

What is Beta Testing? – A Brief Guide

What is Beta Testing? Beta testing is also known as User Acceptance Testing. Which testing we performed before the release of the software was Beta testing. It also performs end-to-end software testing and it is one type of silent testing.

software testing

On-Demand Software Testing : Benefits and Work Process

Small startups to major behemoths like Microsoft, and Amazon is among the developers who create and release these apps. No matter how big or little the organization is, it must go through a testing process to ensure that the programs

software testing

What is Alpha Testing – A Complete Guide

What is Alpha Testing? Alpha Testing is conducted in an organization to determine all possible bugs and defects before releasing the final product to the real users. It is done by the testers who are mostly internal employees of the

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