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software testing

Sanity Vs Smoke Testing : What’s the Difference

Before we start sanity vs. smoke testing, we should know what is smoke testing and what is sanity testing. What is Smoke Testing? Smoke Testing is a software testing process that decides whether the deployed software build is stable or

software testing

11 Best Selenium Alternatives for Testers

11 Best Selenium Alternatives You Should Know List of Selenium Alternatives: Robot Framework Cypress Katalon Studio Screenster CasperJS Watir Cucumber Ghost Inspector Lemonce Editor TestCraft Protractor Below describes the detailed list of selenium alternatives: Robot Framework Robot Framework is an

software testing

Defect Life Cycle (Bug Life Cycle) in Software Testing

In the earlier posts, we have seen life cycles such as STLC and ATLC. In this post, We’ll go over all you need to know about the Bug Life Cycle (Defect Life Cycle). What is Defect Life Cycle? Defect Life

software testing

Software Testing Models

Software Testing is one of the parts of the software development life cycle. In our current market, there are so many individual models used in the software development process and there is each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages.

software testing

Locators in Selenium Webdriver

What are Locators in Selenium? Locators is an order that reveals to Selenium IDE which GUI components ( say Text Box, Buttons, Check Boxes, and so on) its necessities to work on. Locators are one of the fundamental segments of

software testing

Step by Step Mobile App Testing Process

Before we start the mobile app testing process we should know about what is mobile app testing first. What is Mobile App Testing? Mobile app testing is the process of testing the functionality and usability of the mobile application to