web analytics
cross browser testing

Importance Of Cross Browser Testing.

What is Cross Browser Testing? Cross-browser testing plays a role in the development of websites. It ensures that a website or web application functions smoothly across browsers, screen sizes, devices, and operating systems. This testing process aims to spot and

Automated Front-End Testing

The Top 5 Tools for Automated Front-End Testing.

Front-end testing refers to the evaluation of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a web application. As it guarantees that the program is user-friendly and operates as planned, this phase is essential in the software development process.  

bugs in software testing

Top 7 Reasons Why There Are Bugs in Software?

Introduction: – Software glitches are a hurdle, in the realm of software creation. Despite the progress made in programming languages, tools, and development approaches glitches persistently afflict software systems. These glitches vary from inconveniences to problems that jeopardize security, functionality,

How to use testRigor for test automation

How to use testRigor for Test Automation?

TestRigor is an advanced testing tool that accelerates the testing process and identifies potential issues in web applications. It comes with a user-friendly interface and a range of tools to assist testers in creating and executing tests effectively. The AI-powered

Test a website with testrigor

How to Test a website with testRigor?

Introduction:  In today’s digital era, having a well-tested and error-free website is crucial for ensuring a positive user experience. Testing a website thoroughly can be a challenging task, as it requires attention to detail and the ability to catch potential

waterfall model

All About Waterfall Model

What is a waterfall model? The waterfall model is a linear-sequential approach to the software development life cycle. It consists of a series of phases, each of which must be completed before moving on to the next one. The phases

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